Tuesday 27 December 2016


How Joseph Tanner Faced His Encounter With a Great White Shark!

Sharks have always been one of my favorite aquatic animals. Everything is just so fascinating about Shark that you get intrigued and become eager to know more and more about this big predator of the Oceans. The King of the Oceans, I must say! There are more than 465 species of Sharks living in our oceans as of today and most of them, or may I see almost all of them are predators! APEX Predators who assume their position at the top of food chain. Most species of shark eat things like fish, mollusks and other marine mammals and usually hunt at night. Now the shark we are talking about today, the Great White Shark, it surprises its victims and attacks from below. 

Just imagine you are lost alone and wandering in a jungle as thick as Amazon and as big as Planet Earth with grass all around and animals, but no humans. You are running and struggling and trying very hard to find one of your own but all in vain. Suddenly, when you come out of a bush hurriedly to grab a hen you have seen, you see someone already waiting for you there with its tail circled around its back. Low and slow roaring strikes your ears and there is no where to run, no where to hide, no where to climb. The lion slowly gets up and is about to take you down no matter he is hungry or not, he just feels fear or anger from humans as big as him. What can you possibly do? Most of us would shit in their pants and would consider them dead already!

But not with this brave Joseph Tanner. Huh ! But the situation is a tad bit different this time around. Replace the jungle with an Ocean and the lion with a Great White Shark. Boom! I think this new scenery makes it even more dangerous. White Sharks are known killers and they would just f*ck anyone in their territory, be it snakes or humans or little fish or mollusks. 

                               Tanner, a resident of Idaho bean surfing when he was a student pursuing his undergraduation at the University of Portland. Tanner reported that he found immense pleasure in watersurfing and wakeboarding and how he could easily balance himself on boards. After graduating he was employed as a Commercial Fisherman somewhere in Alaska. After being employed and stationed in different countries including India, Tanner returned to Poland and continued his nursing degree.

One morning, Tanner had that itchy and yearning desire for Surfing. He asked his Indian friend who refused so he went surfing himself on Oregon's Beach. Surfed in the morning and took a break in the afternoon. While he was taking a break, he exchanged a few words with another surfer about Sharks. Seems more like of a Natural Irony that he would be facing a Real Shark in a bit.

Later in the evening at about 4 PM Local Time, both the surfers were well on their way, surfing through the waves of water and enjoying the splashes. Both, in the wetsuits were enjoying the perks of surfing when suddenly, as Tanner reported, something from beneath the water grabbed his foot and pulled him down, pushing him off from the surfer board and into the water. 

Tanner said that it looked like the end of the world to him. He was much sure and certain that he would die and was just living his last moments of his life. Lucky for him, some people are born with luck and intelligence in their instincts and he was one of them. Tanner vs the Shark? Not much of a match, is it? Anyways Tanner suddenly remembered those Shark Attack Victims that barely escaped and this game him a stream of hope as well as a plan to fight back. He remembered from those incidents that he was supposed to punch/attack the Shark in the nose or in the eye. But there was this one problem! Shark is always moving around, such a bigger target, and simply things are easier said than done. The nose was too far away from his hands and eyes, they seemed tiny targets. He saw gills and yep, he banged them and banged them and bashed them.

This might not look realistic but the Shark did feel some pain and had to release Tanner from its painful and arduous custody. Tanner immediately swam and up and got back on his board and shouted and screamed for help. Have we forgot the other surfer? Ah, here is his play. He managed to get to him and helped Tanner get to shore. Both of them were so lucky to just be alive and well and making it to the shore safely. 

The people on the shore called for 911 Emergency. The surfer board was tied to the bleeding leg of Tanner after he asked people to do it. Few people carried Tanner on the board to the parking lot. Tanner also asked the people to remove the wetsuit and screamed on the top of his lungs when people pressed down the wound to stop bleeding. Anyways, he was saved and that is what matters. The Shark did manage to leave 6 Inch Deep Punctures on the upper side of his leg. 

An Assistant Professor Andrew Nosal called this even insightful and said that there is nothing like Shark-Infested Waters, It is their home and one can not simply infest his own home. To end the topic, I would like to quote a quotation of Joseph Tanner:

"I remember thinking, 'Thank God I made it to shore,'" Tanner told Live Science. "Then, the pain hit."

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Monday 26 December 2016


Do You Dream What Becomes True Later? Psychic Dreaming is What You Do Then!

An interesting topic? Isn't it? It has always been way too intriguing for me to know the fact behind why those things are stuck in my head and they show themselves up in my dreams? Pretty Creepy though! Sometimes, you just can not get your head out of those things because you are so absorbed in them that you just can't.

Game of Thrones is my love and life, the ultimate source of my entertainment and pleasure providing me with a plethora of leisure and not only it fascinated my living world but also haunts my dreams. Haunts? Yep, I feel pretty anti-social thinking about that awesome serial all my free time and then in my dreams too? Like, What the actual heck? Yep, as much as I love Game of Thrones, I wish I could devise a way to let go of my addiction.

But these are not the dreams we are talking about. We are discussing the Psychic Dreams,- those which come true. These dreams are the major focus of attention for the Psychology and why the shouldn't be? YOU DREAM OF THE FUTURE! Whenever you are Psychic Dreaming, you are actually thinking of the events to be happened in the future. Psychic Dreams is such a dreaming that usually involves the precognition of the future and acknowledgement of the events that will be happening. Thought quite unfairly, you do not know that you have been Psychic Dreaming until you see those happening with your own eyes and something strikes back, something reminds you,- Did something exactly like this happen before as well? Did I dream about this and this is happening exactly likewise?

Some call it the Premonitions. Some may fantasize it as Prophecy. Nonetheless, we have seen a lot number of reported Psychic Dreams. In the video below, a person explains his Psychic Dream/Premonition about a train. 

In this video, that specific person tried to delineate that how exactly he was dreaming the exact same thing and it happened while he was dreaming. He dreamed of a train crash and later came to know that one happened while he was in the state of dreaming. He tries to emphasize that there is something! Something interconnected between the dream and the actual happening and how he saw some minute details in his dream.

Not only this, there are countless incidents and instances reported of the Psychic Dreams. You could always search google baba for a plethora of such dreams that came true. Another interesting incident that might have happened in USA, a person dreamed of a plane crashing in the woods and Boom! The next day it literally happened. 

Why do the Psychic Dreams happen? Only God knows! Literally, there are predefined explanations as to why such dreams are dreamed since they are more related to spirituality and less to Psychology. And as you all may know, Spirituality is hard to question! But yea, theories do exist! One explanation might be that people having Psychic Dreams are able to psychically connect and take a look at a projected time line from the state of dreaming and see the main or specific events that may be happening at that time line. Hard to understand though!

Who can dream such dreams? Literally, all of us are Psychic Dreamers! Every one of us can dream of the future. But it is the same as other abstract qualities, some have it developed more while others might just have a chunk. For this matter, you would have to read the three types of Psychic dreams. 

Read More About Types: Click Here

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Sunday 25 December 2016


Photonic Propulsion Could Let Us Travel the Space? Spacecraft to Mars in Three Days!

Haven't most of us or should I say, everybody wondered at some point their lives to travel through the space? To whirl through the mass of air-less, dark yet attractive space has always fascinated our dreams. Being humans, curiosity is in our nature and so humans have always been eager to know more and more about space and to expand their radii of knowledge and power. Overall, it would be so lovely and no less than a dream come true when we would be able to see hovercrafts / spacecrafts push up into the Space, vanishing from our very eyes and spiking through the whole lifeless world to pay a visit to Other Planets. Maybe we could establish our little settlements there when resources here at Earth are getting depleted. Nonetheless, it is imminent to me at least. And my vision of this has became yet stronger because of the recent Photonic Propulsion.

Yes, Photonic Propulsion could let us travel to Mars in a spacecraft in just THREE DAYS. Just like travelling from one corner of the world to another in a Plane. So it has surely reduced the virtual distance between us and the Martians ((if any)). Now if we consider the old classical techniques to travel through the space, I would like to quote an instance. Right now, the Voyager I Spacecraft is swishing through the space at 35,000 Miles Per Hour? Fast? Pretty Damn Fast? Yes most of you would consider that a well maintained speed to have a look at every famous station in the space. But only until you consider that it recently left our Solar System, THIRTY SEVEN ((37)) years after its launch. Damn, that's too slow man. What the actual heck? Yes my boys, the Space is so enormous that even the apparently too-fast 35,000 MPH is just like an ant against a Giant. 

Professor Philip Lubin tried to explain this as:

While we dream of all human spaceflight to the stars in a way romanticized in books and movies, it is not within our power to do so.
So we are going to need much more greater speed and as of now, we just don't have that. Lubin is now leading a project named DEEP-IN that's studying the possibility of using lasers to propel spacecraft faster than ever before. According to estimates and researches, it has been calculated that it would take approximately THREE days to send a 100 KG body to the center of our space studies, Mars. Have you guys ever heard of Solar Sail? Photonic Propulsion is just as similar to that. So in both of these processes, the photons of light bounce off from the surface of a reflective material to transfer or transition the Kinetic Energy and as the space/vaccum is frictionless, it would help them accelerate to a considerable amount. 

Of course, this theory is just in its earlies and there is a lot to be done before you can plan on going to Mars or could just work out some honeymoon weeks there. A lot of things and preconditions are to be fulfilled and a lot of prerequisites are there. We are going to need a very powerful laser, a big enough sail and and brakes,- yes we are going to need to slow down once we reach Mars or do you plan on going on???

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Friday 23 December 2016


Why Peeling the Onions Makes Us Cry? Get to Know the Science Behind!

It is often noticed in the usual household that people, especially ladies abhor the peeling/cutting of onions. Why? Ofcourse they hate that weird pain and irritation in their eyes along with the tears. Moreover, its not only the one who peels the onion, the whole room turns into kind of a place where everyone seems to be grieving over their dead ones. So, it is always a distasteful task, yet a necessary one if you want to eat good food.

Why Do We Cry?

Scientifically, there is a chemical present inside the onion responsible for the tears of all house-wives around the world. That specific chemical is known as "syn-propanethial-S-oxide" . This chemical is the real reason you can NOT chop an Onion without tearing up. 

Chopping and Onion and crying with tears popping out of your eyes is something so familiar to us now a days that we do not even bother to wonder why or how? What are the causes? What are the effects? What is the solution? It is not only until you hit up certain circumstances of your life that you would actually start wondering why on this earth, this tiny little round thing is a virtual trigger for our tears?

A plant named "Genus Allium" bears Onions. According to Erick Block:

The Onion is a perennial bulb that lives in the ground with lots of critters who are looking for a snack. 

And so the Onions have a Self-Defense System. As silly it may sound, it is as real that this evaporating of the weird-named chemical is actually a Self Defense Mechanism for the Onion. So as soon as an Onion is peeled off, or plucked from the plant, it releases this tear-stimulating chemical in the air that reaches your eye balls causing irritation, pain and tears to avoid being eaten. Pretty damn a thinker the Onion is!

Anyways, you might be wondering, that when the Onions is plucked off from the plant and it releases the Chemical, why the hell does it still release that badass chemical when being cut? The answer is yet again a simple one. Inside each cell of the Onion is a Vacuole filled up with different enzymes which get freedom when the cells are cut open. These enzymes mix with other chemicals and material in the onion cell and a series of Chemical Reactions take place within a matter of instants. And the result being .....

What is the Solution? 

You might have heard of quite a few solutions about this or maybe none at all. Some of you might have tried a lot of methods. But all those methods put on you the burden of some extra preconditions before cutting the onions when your husband is on his way from home, children are crying, an episode of Game of Thrones is currently On-Air etc. Anyways, a few listings would include but are not limited to: Using Onion Goggles, Peeling the Onions while submerged in a bowl of Water or Blowing a fan in such a way that it pushes the air away from your face, thus forcing the molecules or the particles to move away. Voila!!!!

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Wednesday 21 December 2016


What would your weight be on each planet?

Gravity is yet another intriguing topic that fascinates a lot of people. Why is gravity is so alluring? Why is it so beguiling and appealing? That's due to the fact that Gravity is no less than magic or wizardry. It affects how our seasons change, how our days and nights alternate, how much long should be the year or a day or what is your weight?

Yes, Gravity affects weight as you might already be aware of. But What would be the weight of you on each planet? Let's find out.

Due to the effect of Gravity, our weight on different planets would surely be different. 
The question is WHY?


Alright, so first you need to have an imagination that we live in a world so connected that we can travel to other planets and lets just suppose for one moment, that there is air, water, food and everything on each planet so we don't die once we land. As you would be whirling through the space boosting from one planet to another, one part of space to another, you would yourself feel major/minor differences in your weight. Sometimes, you would feel you have put on weight but the other times you would feel that you are losing those calories. Nothing actually is happening as weight is not changing due to your MASS but it is changing due to the changing gravity. Our weight depends on two things, Mass and Gravity. As mass remains constant ((almost)) but gravity keeps on changing with you travelling around the space, your weight would surely be dynamic. 

Using some Newtonian math, we can figure out how much you'd weigh on each planet in our solar system, plus the moon, sun, and Pluto (nope, still not a planet). Let's take the sun as an example, since its hefty mass makes it a fun one. The sun's gravitational factor relative to the Earth (more on the specifics of that here) is 27.9. Just multiply that number by your weight, and voila! You have what your weight would be on the sun, assuming you're not instantly vaporized in our fantastical world of pretend.

You guys might be wondering, why the heck is this information even important or relevant? Well as far as it seems silly to know how much would you weigh on each planet, this information helps a lot in different implications. The colonizing of moon and sending an astronaut to MARS is getting real by every passing minute and that is where this info plays its part.

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Monday 19 December 2016


Krampus, the Anti-Santa. Did you know he existed?

Christmas is just round the corner and so this season is getting more and more festive with the cherishing thoughts and imagination of the very helpful Santa Clause. Santa is featured with gifts, happiness, safety and love. All these things are so warm and welcoming and thus Santa Clause becomes the center of attention during this lovely era of Christmas.

But DID YOU KNOW that there is an Anti Santa? There is some one on the dark side that contradicts Santa? That evil creature? The pure opposite? Yes there is another character to know about on the dark side. KRAMPUS.

Krampus is the one to be known on the dark side. It is centuries old Christmas Devil Creature that comes out every December 5, also known as Krampuschant. On this night, the German legend has it that Krampus visits the children who have been naughty over the last year. He would then take these wicked children back to his lair. A modern take on this tradition in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic involves drunken men dressed up in handmade Krampus costumes to chase people through the streets for a Krampuslauf-a Krampus Run

  • Krampus is the antithesis of Santa.
  • Krampus will visit children during the holiday season if they have done something bad over the year.
  • Krampus is a centuries-old tradition in Germany and Austria.

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Sunday 18 December 2016


Crying on Airplanes is just Normal! Did you ever cry? Well! You are NOT Alone

It might be slightly or even much embarrassing for people to admit that they have cried on Airplanes but its just normal. You are not the only one who tends to cry during a ride in a Plane. An informal survey depicts that as many as half of passengers on Airplane had cried at some point in their life during their Air Ride. Some people have even made claims that they are not week or do not posses a tender heart, still they had the weird experience of crying in the sky, maybe due to the weird welcoming friendly skies. Something is there! Something mysterious...

A study done in 2000 in Netherlands found that most adults cry because of loneliness, separation or powerlessness.- all emotions abundantly available in the lockers of the beautiful skies, too plentiful indeed. 

 A rare academic article on the airline-crying phenomenon, published in Ã‰cranosphère in 2011, got more specific. Author Stephen Groening posited that airline passengers cry during movies because of the way they're set up: the movie screen is usually close to your face, and the use of headphones makes the film especially intimate and personal. According to Groening, that intimacy bears most of the responsibility for heightening your emotions in a plane seat. Add to that the intimacy you feel with other passengers who are hainvg the same in-flight experience as you, plus the intimacy themes that most in-flight romantic comedies explore, and you have a recipe for tears.

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Wednesday 14 December 2016


What happens to a Dead Body? Horrifying facts that everyone fears!

Hearing the word "Death" is always horrible and terrifying. It is always not welcoming to listen to statements such as: "John passed away last week in an accident". No matter your foe or your friend, death of any person alive brings lamenting and sadness in some way to each person with a heart. 

While death is horrible, it is proven that many people are motivated by the very thought of their own death. Anyways, it still does not cover up for the fear that you go through. Moving to the original topic, when a person is dead, there different customs and traditions in different parts of the World. Some bury the dead, some burn them and others may throw the bodies away in rivers. Dating back to the era of Pharaohs, dead bodies were preserved and hence are called mummies. 

To those who burn the body or the people with similar traditions, this post is definitely not for your people. But those who bury their loved ones would surely like to know what happens to them. 


There are several different processed that happen and bring changes progressively to the dead bodies. While we are not discussing biology, I won't be going into the detail of processes and reactions. All these processed happen step by step and this step by step process eventually leaves nothing behind, but a skeleton which also vanished but after ages.

Death Chill:

Immediately after the death, the body starts cooling down as the heart had stopped beating and the normal body processes to regulate the temperature have been shut down. The body cools down until it reaches the room temperature. This is known as Algor Mortis.

Rigor Mortis:

Because of the heart ceasing the pumping action, the blood is not flowing through any arteries, veins or capillaries and thus it start coagulating in the blood vessels. It causes the entire body to stiffen and the flexibility is lost. Rigor Mortis sets in within 2 to 7 hours after death.


For a few days after death, some skin cells are still alive. Because of these cells ((such as skin cells)) the live bacteria starts it decomposing action and starts to break down and putrefy the body.


First of all the body turns green and then changes its color to purple. Eventually it darkens and darkens until it turns black.


The decomposition of the body and the break down of cells and body organs give out a sulphurous gas with horrific and terrible smell, just similar to rotten egg.


This gas also builds up inside the body, causing the corpse to expand, the eyes to be pushed out of their sockets and forces the tongue out of the mouth.


A week after death, the body’s skin will blister so much that the slightest touch will cause it to fall off.

Final Step:

A month after death a corpse’s hair and nails will fall out, and the organs will liquefy. The body then swells until it bursts open, leaving nothing but the skeleton behind.

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A Donut Shaped Planet might be existing! It is Technically Possible

Space has always been curious for all the good men and women out there. Space fascinates almost everyone and everyone is just so eager to learn more and more. No need to mention that our worth Scientists are always in the research of our beautiful yet mysterious planetary system.

A planet in the shape of a donut, or toroid, as it's called in mathematics, could technically exist, but it would have to jump some steep physics hurdles to get there. Planets are round because gravity pulls inward. To keep the hole, or hub, at the center of a toroid planet from collapsing, you'd need an equal outward force. Centrifugal force (the force you feel when a spinning merry-go-round nearly sends you flying) could do the trick, but it would mean that the planet would have to rotate at an extremely high rate. That would most likely make a day on a donut-shaped planet last just a few hours.

Its shape would also do funny things to gravity. That centrifugal force would make gravity the weakest at the equator (which, by the way, it is on Earth too). Gravity would be strongest just inward from the poles. But unlike the minor differences in gravity on Earth, these differences would be massive: more than twice as much near the poles as at the equator. That means a vacation to the tropics would come with instant weight loss—a pretty good deal. But don't pack your bags just yet: remember that high rotation rate? It would make for harsh weather. We're talking intense winds, zoned climates with massive temperature differences, and small, super-strong storm systems.

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Thursday 8 December 2016


Weird Ways to Burn More Calories

Calories are an important part of our lives and we need them to provide us energy for our daily routine's work and play. Calories are burnt in our Digestive system to obtain kilo joules of energy helping us stay healthy and strong. The amount of calories in foods differ and thus some foods provide more calories while some don't. Hence, some foods can cause obesity and some are just as healthy as an ox. 

For obese people, it is must to burn more calories than the intake and to limit the intake for further results. There is no use of exercising at all if you don't maintain a balanced diet, a diet that boosts body mechanism and the process to lose fat.

An average sized human body consumes about 2400 calories per day without any activity or any exercise. 

Now, moving to the fun part, here are the most bizzare and weird ways to burn those extra calories.

  1. Singing in the shower can burn an extra 10-20 Calories per song, depending on the volume and pitch of your voice.
  2. Laughing for 10 minutes can make you burn between 20 and 40 Calories.
  3. You burn about 200 Calories during 30 minutes of active sex.
  4. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 Calories an hour.
  5. On average, brushing your teeth for three minutes will burn 10 Calories.
  6. Pushing a shopping trolley up the aisles for half an hour will burn over 100 Calories, this number increases with the amount you put in your trolley and the heavier it gets.
  7. One hour spent sitting in front of the TV burns around 65 Calories.
  8. Smoking a cigarette burns roughly 10 Calories.
  9. Dancing on a Dance Mat for 10 minutes will burn 50-60 Calories.
  10. Hugging for one hour can burn 70 Calories.
  11. If you whip your head back and forth to Willow Smiths song, you will burn up to 50 Calories, depending on how crazy you go.
  12. A one minute kiss can burn between 2 and 4 Calories, depending on how intimate it is.
  13. A person will burn 7 percent more calories if they walk on hard dirt compared to pavement.
  14. You burn more calories than you consume when you eat celery.
  15. On average, if you walk your dog for 30 minutes, you burn 100 Calories.
  16. You burn more calories sitting in the cold, than heat.
  17. Chewing gum burns 11 Calories per hour.
  18. You can burn up to 350 more Calories per day if you fidget, rather than someone who remains stationary.
  19. Missing a night of sleep causes the body to burn about an extra 161 calories.
  20. Constant texting can burn 40 Calories per hour.

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DNA isn't the only thing in Human Chromosomes

Chromosomes are thread-like structures located inside the nucleus of animal and plant cells. Each chromosome is made of protein and a single molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Passed from parents to offspring, DNA contains the specific instructions that make each type of living creature unique.
The term chromosome comes from the Greek words for color (chroma) and body (soma). Scientists gave this name to chromosomes because they are cell structures, or bodies, that are strongly stained by some colorful dyes used in research.

Chromosomes vary in number and shape among living things. Most bacteria have one or two circular chromosomes. Humans, along with other animals and plants, have linear chromosomes that are arranged in pairs within the nucleus of the cell.
The only human cells that do not contain pairs of chromosomes are reproductive cells, or gametes, which carry just one copy of each chromosome. When two reproductive cells unite, they become a single cell that contains two copies of each chromosome. This cell then divides and its successors divide numerous times, eventually producing a mature individual with a full set of paired chromosomes in virtually all of its cells.

For a long time, scientists thought that DNA was the only thing inside your chromosomes. A new study turns that assumption on its head.
Inside every one of your cells is a sort of control hub called the nucleus. Inside every nucleus are a bunch of thread-like structures called chromosomes. Chromosomes are what contain your DNA, that familiar double-helix structure that contains every one of your 25,000 or so genes, which determine everything from what color eyes you have to your likelihood of developing various diseases.In 2016, a study published in the journal Molecular Cell found something startling: just a little over half of every chromosome is DNA. The rest—30 to 47 percent—is made up of an unidentified sheath-like structure. They were able to make such an earth-shattering discovery because of a super-precise imaging technique called 3D-CLEM, which combines light and electron microscopy with computer modeling to create detailed 3D images of all 46 human chromosomes.
The researchers aren't sure what this sheath-like structure does, but they think it might keep chromosomes separated during cell division. That might protect DNA from the kinds of coding errors that cause birth defects and other genetic issues. Either way, this forces scientists to change the way they think about everything from the structure of chromosomes to the process of cell division.

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Tuesday 6 December 2016


Rather Different Facts About The Controversial State, Pakistan

Pakistan is rather a controversial state and when some foreigner hears about Pakistan, no doubt they don't present a very positive view about the Islamic State. Pakistan has been accused of terrorism multiple times and some states even tried their best to declare Pakistan as a terrorist state. When someone from a developed country, even a child hears the word "Pakistan", all the can remember is terrorism, Bin Laden, and a desert land where people live without roofs/homes. The facts are rather different. Over the course of the past couple years, Pakistan has got rid of majority of the terrorism wiping out Al-Qaeda from the most regions. It has surely made some progress and is trying to embark on a way that leads to success. 

When we take a look at the facts, we get a rather different view of Pakistan. So I decided that let's take a look at Pakistan's interesting facts.


1. In the last five years, Pakistan’s literacy rate has grown by 250%, the largest increase in any country to date.
2. Pakistan is the first Islamic country to attain nuclear power.
3. Edhi is running the World’s largest Ambulance network.
4. World’s youngest certified Microsoft Experts Arfa Kareem (Late) and Babar Iqbal are from Pakistan.
5. Pakistan has the sixth largest military force in the world.
6. Pakistan’s national anthem tune ranks first in the top three tunes of the world.
7. Fourth largest broadband internet system of world is in Pakistan
8.  World’s largest deep sea port is Gwadar.
9. About 50% of the world’s footballs are made in Pakistan.
10. Pakistan is notable for having one of the best trained air-force pilots in the world.
11.  Pakistan has world’s youngest civil judge, Muhammad Illyas.
12.  The highest railway station of Asia is in Pakistan.
13. First PC virus was created by two Pakistani brothers. (Maybe not something to be very proud of, but it still might have required an impressive level of intellect to do so).
14. Dr. Abdus Salam – Nobel prize winner (Physics 1979).
15. LUMS (Lahore University of Management Sciences) attracts students from Middle East, the Far East, Central Asia, and other parts of South Asia.
16. Ustaad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, hailed as the most important Qawwali singer of the 20th century and received many awards around the globe such as The “Legends” award at the UK Asian Music Awards (2005).
17. World’s 7th largest Pool of Scientists and Engineer.
18. The Shah Faisal Mosque in Islamabad can accommodate almost 100,000 worshipers. Completed in 1976, it could at that time probably hold the city’s entire population.
19. Karakoram Highway runs through the northern areas connecting Pakistan with China’s Xingjiang province is often described as ” Eighth Wonder of the World” due to the marvel of civil engineering as it has taken 15 years to complete by the Pakistan Army Engineers in collaboration with China. It’s been labeled as ” World’s highest paved international Road” under world’s toughest terrain.
20. Air Commodore MM ALAM (Late) has a world record of shooting down 5 planes in less than a Minute.
21. The world's 26th largest economy is of Pakistan.
22. Pakistan has the world's seventh largest standing military to be proud of.
23. Actually, independence officially occurred at midnight on the night of August 14-15. Originally August 15 was celebrated as Independence Day.
24. Pakistan has the sixth-largest population in the world, exceeded only by China, India, the United States of America, Indonesia and Brazil.
25. A baby is born in Pakistan every seven seconds.
26. From 1997-2008, Pakistan held the record for the world’s tallest cake, with a 105ft-high monster. This was overtaken in 2008 by a 108ft cake in Indonesia.
27. Pakistan has not won a medal at the summer Olympics since 1992 when it won a hockey bronze.
28. Pakistan is the world’s second-largest producer of chickpeas behind India.
29. The name Pakistan means ‘land of the pure’ in Persian and Urdu.
30. In 1979 Abdus Salam won Pakistan’s only Nobel Prize by sharing the physics award.

Disclaimer: Any graphic/content used from other source is the sole rightful property of its owner/creator and I do not take credit for that.
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Monday 5 December 2016


Benefits of Detox Water and How it can Improve Our Lifestyle

Obesity has really been quite an issue for a lot of good fellas out there and no doubt a lot of us, the obese, have tried different products, different exercises and different tactics to deal with our this damn disease. Mostly, teens are the ones who suffer the most due to Obesity as they can't taste the life like others do, nor can they partake and enjoy the experiences of life like most other healthy boys or girls do.

Well, quite sadly, most of the times, our plans or tactics devised by us specifically to fight obesity don't turn out to be well or good at all. Why? There are quite a few reasons for that. The most important of them being that we are not persistent and want results mostly almost immediately. But that's something that requires time to be fruitful IF DONE IN THE RIGHT WAY.

Another issue might be that we don't do things the right way. Now ONE most important thing you must notice is that only exercise is NOT enough for you to be healthy again. You must start taking proper balanced DIET as well. As hard it may seem, it is far fruitful when compared with the efforts. 

But now, here in this post, I will only be discussing one important factor that helps a lot in fighting obesity, and that is detoxing your body! Now detoxing your body is something that helps every person out there, obese or not, old or young, boy or girl. But the results are much more noticeable in case of Obese people since they have a lot to detoxify. 

Detoxing your body means getting rid of all the toxins from your body that are those unneeded waster materials left behind in your body and must be eliminated. There are several ways to do it. One being, drinking the Detox Water.


1. Boosts Your Energy
Many detox program followers report feeling more energetic. This would make sense because while you’re detoxing you’re stopping the influx of the things that caused you to need a detox in the first place. By cutting out the sugar, caffeine, trans fat, saturated fat, and replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables, you’ll be getting a natural energy boost, one that comes without a resultant crash. It’s vital to stay well hydrated while on any detox program, and that can also be a source of increased energy if you typically don’t get enough water throughout the day.
2. Rids the Body of Any Excess Waste
The biggest thing that detoxing helps with is allowing the body to rid itself of any excess waste it’s been storing. Most detox programs are designed to stimulate the body to purge itself, helping the liver do its thing as well as the kidneys and colon. Cleansing the colon is an important part of the detoxing process because those toxins need to exit the body, and a backed up colon can cause them to be reintroduced into the body, rather than exiting as planned. Sticking with fruits and vegetables even after the detox program is completed is a good way to keep things moving.
3. Helps with Weight Loss
It’s easy to see how a detox diet would cause you to lose weight in the short term, but a healthier way to look at it would be to establish long-term eating habits, and rid yourself of unhealthy habits. Many times it is the drastic reduction in calories and rapid weight loss that is focused on, especially in the media. But these short-term results won’t last if you don’t make it a point to replace bad foods with good, and use your newfound energy to exercise more and be more active overall.
4. Stronger Immune System
When you detox the body you free up your organs to function the way they should. This helps to give your immune system a boost since you’ll be able to absorb nutrients better, including Vitamin C. Many of the herbs you take while on a detox will help the lymphatic system, which plays a big role in keeping you healthy and firing on all cylinders. Many detox programs also focus on light exercises which help to circulate lymph fluid through the body and helps it to drain, strengthening your immune system in the process.
5. Improved Skin
Your skin is your largest organ, so it only makes sense that it would show positive results from a detox program. One way to help your detoxing efforts is to take a sauna to help the body sweat out additional toxins. You can expect clearer, smoother skin at the end of your detox plan. It’s also been reported that detoxing can help with acne, although the condition may worsen before it gets better as the toxins are released. You may find that your skin itches or gets patchy before clearing up, but this is part of the process and is a sign that you’re on the right track with your program.
6. Better Breath
Follow a detox program that includes a colon cleanse because those toxins need to be released from the body. It’s been theorized that one contributor to bad breath is a backed up colon. When you are able to clear it out and get your digestive system functioning well again, you may find that your breath improves. Be aware that your breath may actually worsen during the detoxing process, but when it’s finished it will be better. This is natural, and occurs as toxins are released from the body.
7. Promotes Healthy Changes
It’s hard to change a long-standing habit, and a detox program – no matter how long – is one way to put a wedge between your old ways and your new ones. If you have addictions to sugar, caffeine, fried, or crunchy foods you can use a detox program to help you kill those cravings. Often if you just try to quit eating those foods or drinking those beverages you’ll have limited success, and go back to your old ways. But if you cleanse the body and replace those foods with healthier choices, you can retrain yourself and be more likely to stick to your new habits.
8. Clearer Thinking
A good detox program will pay some attention to your state of mind during the cleanse. The use of meditation is often recommended as a way to get back in touch with your body during this time of purging and cleansing of toxins. Detox followers often say that they lose that sense of fogginess, and are able to think more clearly during a detox than when not on it. It makes sense, since many of the sugar-filled and fat-filled foods that surround us each day will cause us to feel lethargic and can factor heavily in the quality of our thinking.
10. Lighter Feeling
One of the reported benefits of detoxing is a feeling of being lighter. There are several reasons why this would be the case, especially if you’ll be doing a colon cleanse as part of the program. When you stop eating foods that weigh you down, and replace them with fresh organic fruits and vegetables, a lighter feeling is bound to occur. It’s also important not to overeat while detoxing, which will yield a lighter feeling as well, and will give you the energy you’ve been missing.
11. Anti-Aging Benefits
The constant barrage of toxins that the body has to deal with is one contributing factor to the aging process. By reducing the amount of free radical damage done to the body, you’re going to see not only short term benefits, but also long term benefits in an increased longevity. When you finish your detox program, it’s very important not to go right back to the lifestyle that was causing the toxicity. Sticking to a improved diet and getting daily activity are great ways to make sure that you feel good each moment of your life.
12. Improved Sense of Wellbeing
When you detox, you feel good, and when you feel good, good things happen. Detoxing is often used strategically to lose weight or to start a new diet plan, but really there’s no better reason than just to feel better. When you set the stage for wellbeing, you are going to improve all areas of your life, and you should see better relationships, better productivity at work, and a newfound or renewed zest for life.



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