Wednesday 14 December 2016


What happens to a Dead Body? Horrifying facts that everyone fears!

Hearing the word "Death" is always horrible and terrifying. It is always not welcoming to listen to statements such as: "John passed away last week in an accident". No matter your foe or your friend, death of any person alive brings lamenting and sadness in some way to each person with a heart. 

While death is horrible, it is proven that many people are motivated by the very thought of their own death. Anyways, it still does not cover up for the fear that you go through. Moving to the original topic, when a person is dead, there different customs and traditions in different parts of the World. Some bury the dead, some burn them and others may throw the bodies away in rivers. Dating back to the era of Pharaohs, dead bodies were preserved and hence are called mummies. 

To those who burn the body or the people with similar traditions, this post is definitely not for your people. But those who bury their loved ones would surely like to know what happens to them. 


There are several different processed that happen and bring changes progressively to the dead bodies. While we are not discussing biology, I won't be going into the detail of processes and reactions. All these processed happen step by step and this step by step process eventually leaves nothing behind, but a skeleton which also vanished but after ages.

Death Chill:

Immediately after the death, the body starts cooling down as the heart had stopped beating and the normal body processes to regulate the temperature have been shut down. The body cools down until it reaches the room temperature. This is known as Algor Mortis.

Rigor Mortis:

Because of the heart ceasing the pumping action, the blood is not flowing through any arteries, veins or capillaries and thus it start coagulating in the blood vessels. It causes the entire body to stiffen and the flexibility is lost. Rigor Mortis sets in within 2 to 7 hours after death.


For a few days after death, some skin cells are still alive. Because of these cells ((such as skin cells)) the live bacteria starts it decomposing action and starts to break down and putrefy the body.


First of all the body turns green and then changes its color to purple. Eventually it darkens and darkens until it turns black.


The decomposition of the body and the break down of cells and body organs give out a sulphurous gas with horrific and terrible smell, just similar to rotten egg.


This gas also builds up inside the body, causing the corpse to expand, the eyes to be pushed out of their sockets and forces the tongue out of the mouth.


A week after death, the body’s skin will blister so much that the slightest touch will cause it to fall off.

Final Step:

A month after death a corpse’s hair and nails will fall out, and the organs will liquefy. The body then swells until it bursts open, leaving nothing but the skeleton behind.

Disclaimer: Any graphic/content used from other source is the sole rightful property of its owner/creator and I do not take credit for that.


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