Friday 23 December 2016


Why Peeling the Onions Makes Us Cry? Get to Know the Science Behind!

It is often noticed in the usual household that people, especially ladies abhor the peeling/cutting of onions. Why? Ofcourse they hate that weird pain and irritation in their eyes along with the tears. Moreover, its not only the one who peels the onion, the whole room turns into kind of a place where everyone seems to be grieving over their dead ones. So, it is always a distasteful task, yet a necessary one if you want to eat good food.

Why Do We Cry?

Scientifically, there is a chemical present inside the onion responsible for the tears of all house-wives around the world. That specific chemical is known as "syn-propanethial-S-oxide" . This chemical is the real reason you can NOT chop an Onion without tearing up. 

Chopping and Onion and crying with tears popping out of your eyes is something so familiar to us now a days that we do not even bother to wonder why or how? What are the causes? What are the effects? What is the solution? It is not only until you hit up certain circumstances of your life that you would actually start wondering why on this earth, this tiny little round thing is a virtual trigger for our tears?

A plant named "Genus Allium" bears Onions. According to Erick Block:

The Onion is a perennial bulb that lives in the ground with lots of critters who are looking for a snack. 

And so the Onions have a Self-Defense System. As silly it may sound, it is as real that this evaporating of the weird-named chemical is actually a Self Defense Mechanism for the Onion. So as soon as an Onion is peeled off, or plucked from the plant, it releases this tear-stimulating chemical in the air that reaches your eye balls causing irritation, pain and tears to avoid being eaten. Pretty damn a thinker the Onion is!

Anyways, you might be wondering, that when the Onions is plucked off from the plant and it releases the Chemical, why the hell does it still release that badass chemical when being cut? The answer is yet again a simple one. Inside each cell of the Onion is a Vacuole filled up with different enzymes which get freedom when the cells are cut open. These enzymes mix with other chemicals and material in the onion cell and a series of Chemical Reactions take place within a matter of instants. And the result being .....

What is the Solution? 

You might have heard of quite a few solutions about this or maybe none at all. Some of you might have tried a lot of methods. But all those methods put on you the burden of some extra preconditions before cutting the onions when your husband is on his way from home, children are crying, an episode of Game of Thrones is currently On-Air etc. Anyways, a few listings would include but are not limited to: Using Onion Goggles, Peeling the Onions while submerged in a bowl of Water or Blowing a fan in such a way that it pushes the air away from your face, thus forcing the molecules or the particles to move away. Voila!!!!

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