Monday 19 December 2016


Krampus, the Anti-Santa. Did you know he existed?

Christmas is just round the corner and so this season is getting more and more festive with the cherishing thoughts and imagination of the very helpful Santa Clause. Santa is featured with gifts, happiness, safety and love. All these things are so warm and welcoming and thus Santa Clause becomes the center of attention during this lovely era of Christmas.

But DID YOU KNOW that there is an Anti Santa? There is some one on the dark side that contradicts Santa? That evil creature? The pure opposite? Yes there is another character to know about on the dark side. KRAMPUS.

Krampus is the one to be known on the dark side. It is centuries old Christmas Devil Creature that comes out every December 5, also known as Krampuschant. On this night, the German legend has it that Krampus visits the children who have been naughty over the last year. He would then take these wicked children back to his lair. A modern take on this tradition in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic involves drunken men dressed up in handmade Krampus costumes to chase people through the streets for a Krampuslauf-a Krampus Run

  • Krampus is the antithesis of Santa.
  • Krampus will visit children during the holiday season if they have done something bad over the year.
  • Krampus is a centuries-old tradition in Germany and Austria.

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