Sunday, 18 December 2016


Crying on Airplanes is just Normal! Did you ever cry? Well! You are NOT Alone

It might be slightly or even much embarrassing for people to admit that they have cried on Airplanes but its just normal. You are not the only one who tends to cry during a ride in a Plane. An informal survey depicts that as many as half of passengers on Airplane had cried at some point in their life during their Air Ride. Some people have even made claims that they are not week or do not posses a tender heart, still they had the weird experience of crying in the sky, maybe due to the weird welcoming friendly skies. Something is there! Something mysterious...

A study done in 2000 in Netherlands found that most adults cry because of loneliness, separation or powerlessness.- all emotions abundantly available in the lockers of the beautiful skies, too plentiful indeed. 

 A rare academic article on the airline-crying phenomenon, published in Écranosphère in 2011, got more specific. Author Stephen Groening posited that airline passengers cry during movies because of the way they're set up: the movie screen is usually close to your face, and the use of headphones makes the film especially intimate and personal. According to Groening, that intimacy bears most of the responsibility for heightening your emotions in a plane seat. Add to that the intimacy you feel with other passengers who are hainvg the same in-flight experience as you, plus the intimacy themes that most in-flight romantic comedies explore, and you have a recipe for tears.

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