Tuesday 27 December 2016


How Joseph Tanner Faced His Encounter With a Great White Shark!

Sharks have always been one of my favorite aquatic animals. Everything is just so fascinating about Shark that you get intrigued and become eager to know more and more about this big predator of the Oceans. The King of the Oceans, I must say! There are more than 465 species of Sharks living in our oceans as of today and most of them, or may I see almost all of them are predators! APEX Predators who assume their position at the top of food chain. Most species of shark eat things like fish, mollusks and other marine mammals and usually hunt at night. Now the shark we are talking about today, the Great White Shark, it surprises its victims and attacks from below. 

Just imagine you are lost alone and wandering in a jungle as thick as Amazon and as big as Planet Earth with grass all around and animals, but no humans. You are running and struggling and trying very hard to find one of your own but all in vain. Suddenly, when you come out of a bush hurriedly to grab a hen you have seen, you see someone already waiting for you there with its tail circled around its back. Low and slow roaring strikes your ears and there is no where to run, no where to hide, no where to climb. The lion slowly gets up and is about to take you down no matter he is hungry or not, he just feels fear or anger from humans as big as him. What can you possibly do? Most of us would shit in their pants and would consider them dead already!

But not with this brave Joseph Tanner. Huh ! But the situation is a tad bit different this time around. Replace the jungle with an Ocean and the lion with a Great White Shark. Boom! I think this new scenery makes it even more dangerous. White Sharks are known killers and they would just f*ck anyone in their territory, be it snakes or humans or little fish or mollusks. 

                               Tanner, a resident of Idaho bean surfing when he was a student pursuing his undergraduation at the University of Portland. Tanner reported that he found immense pleasure in watersurfing and wakeboarding and how he could easily balance himself on boards. After graduating he was employed as a Commercial Fisherman somewhere in Alaska. After being employed and stationed in different countries including India, Tanner returned to Poland and continued his nursing degree.

One morning, Tanner had that itchy and yearning desire for Surfing. He asked his Indian friend who refused so he went surfing himself on Oregon's Beach. Surfed in the morning and took a break in the afternoon. While he was taking a break, he exchanged a few words with another surfer about Sharks. Seems more like of a Natural Irony that he would be facing a Real Shark in a bit.

Later in the evening at about 4 PM Local Time, both the surfers were well on their way, surfing through the waves of water and enjoying the splashes. Both, in the wetsuits were enjoying the perks of surfing when suddenly, as Tanner reported, something from beneath the water grabbed his foot and pulled him down, pushing him off from the surfer board and into the water. 

Tanner said that it looked like the end of the world to him. He was much sure and certain that he would die and was just living his last moments of his life. Lucky for him, some people are born with luck and intelligence in their instincts and he was one of them. Tanner vs the Shark? Not much of a match, is it? Anyways Tanner suddenly remembered those Shark Attack Victims that barely escaped and this game him a stream of hope as well as a plan to fight back. He remembered from those incidents that he was supposed to punch/attack the Shark in the nose or in the eye. But there was this one problem! Shark is always moving around, such a bigger target, and simply things are easier said than done. The nose was too far away from his hands and eyes, they seemed tiny targets. He saw gills and yep, he banged them and banged them and bashed them.

This might not look realistic but the Shark did feel some pain and had to release Tanner from its painful and arduous custody. Tanner immediately swam and up and got back on his board and shouted and screamed for help. Have we forgot the other surfer? Ah, here is his play. He managed to get to him and helped Tanner get to shore. Both of them were so lucky to just be alive and well and making it to the shore safely. 

The people on the shore called for 911 Emergency. The surfer board was tied to the bleeding leg of Tanner after he asked people to do it. Few people carried Tanner on the board to the parking lot. Tanner also asked the people to remove the wetsuit and screamed on the top of his lungs when people pressed down the wound to stop bleeding. Anyways, he was saved and that is what matters. The Shark did manage to leave 6 Inch Deep Punctures on the upper side of his leg. 

An Assistant Professor Andrew Nosal called this even insightful and said that there is nothing like Shark-Infested Waters, It is their home and one can not simply infest his own home. To end the topic, I would like to quote a quotation of Joseph Tanner:

"I remember thinking, 'Thank God I made it to shore,'" Tanner told Live Science. "Then, the pain hit."

Disclaimer: Any graphic/content used from other source is the sole rightful property of its owner/creator and I do not take credit for that. 


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