Monday 5 December 2016


Neither are all terrorists Muslims, nor are all Muslims terrorists!

Every time an act of terror or shooting occurs, Muslims closely watch the news with extreme trepidation praying that the suspect is not Muslim. This is not because these terrorists are likely to be Muslim but rather because in the instances where they happen to be, we see amplified mass media coverage and extreme unjustified hatred towards Muslims.

It is just a propaganda and nothing else and Muslims are being the victims of this propaganda. It is true that mostly the terrorism acts of much larger scale that gain the popularity all over the world are committed by the so called Muslims who are not even Muslims. 

Now one thing should be made clear that, Al-Qaeda and Daesh and all other such groups that tend to call them perfect Muslims and make themselves appear as strict shariat-following persons but if we dig deeper and have a factual look at them, they are not even close to being the slightest of Muslim. Most of them don't even know how to say the First Kalma (A statement that needs to be acknowledged by heart in order to become a Muslim) correctly.

Quraan does not, in any way, support any such acts of terrorism, so how can these terrorists be Muslims when the don't even follow the principles of Islam.

As a Muslim, I am tired of condemning terrorist attacks being carried out by inherently violent people who hijack my religion. I am tired of condemning these attacks to people who are calm and apathetic when Muslims are killed by these same radicalized terrorists.

1. Non-Muslims make up the majority of terrorists in the United States

2. Non-Muslims make up the majority of terrorists in Europe

3. Even if all terrorist attacks were carried out by Muslims, you still could not associate terrorism with Islam

4. If all Muslims are terrorists, then all Muslims are peacemakers

5 Out of the past 12 Nobel Price Peace Winners are Muslims.

Disclaimer: Any graphic/content used from other source is the sole rightful property of its owner/creator and I do not take credit for that.


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